Author: JVanTol

It’s no fun being locked out !

  Just a few extra $ could have saved you a lot of hassle . Remember the last time you were locked out and couldn’t get in. It’s pretty frustrating isn’t it. Not to mention the inconvenience and embarrassment. Then there is  cost of getting a lock smith  or someone to open up for you. Funny but these disasters […]

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Have your say!

Because we are seeking to be very best self storage company in Maitland, we are giving you the opportunity to provide us feedback about what are the good and bad experiences you have had at ours’ and others’ storage facilities.  You don’t have to name them, just tell us what cheesed you off! Best of […]

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Furniture Moving tips

Got some furniture to move? Here are some tips to keep it (& you) safe! Wear long trousers and clean steel capped boots if you can. Moving in thongs may result in a broken toe! Don’t move wardrobes, drawers etc while full, you can break them. Only fill them when they are in place and […]

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Time for a winter clean out?

The nights are starting to get chilly so its time to think about packing those summer clothes, fans and portable air conditioners away and bringing out the winter woolies and heaters. No where to put all your stuff? Thanks ok, we can help! Why not use boxes to store all your summer belongings  and make […]

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